TAPAS/Thinking About the PASt is an interdisciplinary forum for reflection on our relation with the past, based at Ghent University. Combing historiographical, philosophical, post-colonial, anthropological and sociological approaches, TAPAS’ aim is to give young researchers the opportunity to share their views, create a broad intellectual network, get feedback about their own work, and to organize trans-disciplinary reading groups and workshops on topics which are too uncommon in their own discipline.
Upcoming Activities
- 12/02: Workshop In Dialogue with the Living Past Tina — Degendt
- 26/02: Workshop In Dialogue with the Living Past —Karolina Kluczewska
- 27/02: Lecture Fenneke Sysling
- 12/03: Workshop In Dialogue with the Living Past —Lieselot De Wilde
- 26/03: Workshop In Dialogue with the Living Past — Lise Zurné
- 8/5: Lecture Sebastian Conrad
- 14/05: Conference Day in Dialogue with the Living Past