Upcoming activities
- TAPAS: In Dialogue with the Living Past. Theoretical and methodological reflections on the co-creation of historical knowledge.
- 12/02: Workshop In Dialogue with the Living Past Tina — Degendt
- 26/02: Workshop In Dialogue with the Living Past —Karolina Kluczewska
- 27/02: Lecture Fenneke Sysling
- 12/03: Workshop In Dialogue with the Living Past —Lieselot De Wilde
- 26/03: Workshop In Dialogue with the Living Past — Lise Zurné
- 8/5: Lecture Sebastian Conrad
- 14/05: Conference Day in Dialogue with the Living Past
Spreading the News
- 24/01: CfP: Themanummer massavictimisatie
Past activities
- Reading group In Dialogue with the Living Past (13/12/2024)
- Opening lecture EuroClio Chair of Historical culture in transition of Robbert-Jan Adriaansen (11/12/2024)
- Gespreksavond Geschiedenis in de Journalistiek (5/12/2024)
- Workshop Samuel Vander Straeten (18/11/2024)
- In Dialogue with the Living Past: reading group (08/11/2024)
- In Dialogue with the Living Past: reading group (18/10/024)
- Workshop Milan Francis (16/10/2024)
- Claiming the People’s Past: Populist Politics of History in the Twenty-First Century. Online Book Launch and Discussion (04/10/2024)
- Workshop “ARMED ARCHIVES. Studying Archives of non-state Armed Actors: Methodological challenges and new research avenues” (26-27/09/2024)
- In Dialogue with the Living Past: reading group (27/09/2024)
- Lecture Manu Karuka (09/09/2024)
- Presentation Talar Chahinian — Between Trauma, Language, and Statelessness: Cultural Legacies of the Armenian Genocide (15/05/2024)
- Presentation Ilkka Lähteenmäki —Museums and Mediation: digital content in museums brings up old challenges of representing past reality (07/05/2024)
- Reading groups: Mediators of historical culture: State actors and (shaping) historical culture (03/05/2024)
- Reading groups: Mediators of historical culture: Journalism and mediating the past. (19/04/2024)
- Reading groups: Mediators of historical culture: experts of historical knowledge in public spaces. (29/03/2024)
- Lecture Jason Steinhauer — History, Disrupted: How Social Media and the World Wide Web Have Changed the Past (13/03/2024)
- Reading groups: Mediators of historical culture: what is historical culture? (01/03/2024)
- Presentation Bowen Ran (10/11/2023)
- Populisme en Geschiedenis – Gespreksavond (19/10/2023)
Click here for an overview of our activities archive (2010-2024).